InterNIC 維持手数料支払方法について。

ドメイン登録が完了した後、InterNIC から下記 Invoice が送られてきます。(通常2週間以内ですが場合によっては1ヶ月程度かかる場合もあります。) InterNIC へのドメイン維持手数料支払方法には4通りあります。

1、InterNIC へ直接電話をかけ、クレジットカードのナンバーを伝える。
2、Online Payment System を利用する。(Secure Form)
3、郵便為替を購入後、Invoice と為替を書留で送る。

Online Payment System を利用する場合、Billing contact とカード所有者名が同じである必要があります。

現在、この3つの方法があります。維持手数料支払についてもサポートを行っていきますが、上記のような維持手数料支払がご面倒と思われる方は私どもで代行も行いますので、お気軽に Support 迄お問い合わせ下さい。

----------------------- example -----------------------



******************* Please DO NOT REMOVE Version Number ********************

Invoice Version Number: 1.1

**************** Please see attached detailed instructions *****************

By this payment, Registrant agrees to the terms and conditions of the current
Domain Registration Agreement.

Invoice Information
1a. Invoice Number.....................: ******      (Use this number to pay by credit
                                                      card over the phone.)
1b. Invoice Date.......................: 06-JAN-1998
1c. Invoice Due Date...................: 09-FEB-1998

Domain Information
2a. Registered Domain Name.............: *******.COM
2b. Period Covered.....................: 30-JAN-1998 - 30-JAN-2000
2c. Amount Due.........................: $100.00 U.S. Dollars

Thank you for registering the Internet/World-Wide Web domain name shown above.
Timely receipt of payment will ensure registration services for the period 
noted above. This fee is non-refundable.


This will be the only invoice sent via e-mail. In a few days, you should receive
a hard copy invoice via postal service to the above street address.
If you wish to pay by check, please wait for the hard copy invoice. It
contains a scannable remittance stub and return envelope. To avoid delays
in processing your payment DO NOT send a check to us with this e-mail invoice.

To Pay by Check:
    Please use the remittance stub from the hard copy invoice you should
    receive shortly.  If you do not receive a hard copy invoice within
    7 days, please call us at (703) 742-4777.

To Pay By Credit Card or Confirm Payment:
    We accept all major credit cards.  Call (888) 771-3000 Toll-Free from
    the United States, Canada, Puerto Rico and the U.S. Virgin Islands.
    Outside of these areas, call (402) 496-9798.
    Both numbers are available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

    Go to on the World-Wide Web to use Network 
    Solutions' online payment system or the First Virtual Internet payment

To Pay on Account:
    Send e-mail to with the domain name, invoice number
    and 16-digit account number.

For all other billing inquiries send e-mail to, or call 
(703) 742-4777 from 7:00am to 9:00pm Eastern Time.